Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 11-13 2006

Dear Grade 8,
Please stay focused and concentrate on your work. You have to get a lot done over the next three days.

Wednesday, Oct. 11:
1. Finish posting the synopsis of book #1 for this quarter. It must be 150 words (ie. 140-160), be in complete sentences, and cover the 6W's (help each other remember them!). I expect to see the rough copy in your notebook from two weeks ago!

2. If finished 1 above, do the synopsis of book #2 for this quarter. You should have already written the 150ish word rough draft in your notebook. If, and only if you are finished the rough draft written in your notebook, you may type it in as a separate blog entry.

3. Make sure that Mr. Rossol has your blog info. on a piece of paper (thanks Mr. Rossol!). This means the BLOG web address, and the username and password.

4. Re-read the vocabulary and other items from last week's Wednesday blog to check if you knew everything on the quiz yesterday.

5. Write down your homework AND the lesson plan (below) for Thursday and Friday...)
HOMEWORK: Have book THREE ready for class tomorrow. If you need to go to the library, that is why you get recess and lunch on Thursday!!!! (stop whining!). Remember that class is in B2 on Thursdays...

Thursday, October 12th.
1. Read novel #3.
2. If finished, write the synopsis.
3. If finished, double check it.
4. If finished, triple check it.
5. If finished, quadruple check it.

Friday, October 13th.
Report to the library last period. Ms. Waldorf is expecting you. You are to:
1. Continue reading novel #3.
2. If done reading novel #3, write the synopsis.
3. If done 1 and 2 above...get novel #4.

I expect nothing less than perfect behavior. Ms. Waldorf will email me if there is any reason to do so, and imagine your parents surprise if they get a phone call from me in the USA because you did not behave yourselves in the library....I wouldn't want to be you of that happens (thanks for keeping me informed, Ms. Waldorf!).


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