Friday, September 15, 2006

Step 1: Creating a Blog for LA 8 Class
Today we are going to begin the process of creating our classroom blog. I will show you how easy it can be, and you will replicate what I do on paper. You will also take home to get signed a parental permission form to create and use a blog in grade 8 language arts. You are to return the form to me this week (by Friday), so we can start making your blogs, and use them to write about your first reading book for Language arts.

In class today we will write down all the terms that you will need in order to create your blog.

First term: You will need a "user name". This will be your first name, last initial in lower case letters, and IST all together as one word. For example,

" mrpIST "

We will not use your last name so no one outside of IST will have this information, and it will not show up "live" on your blog.

Second term: password. For the time being we will skip this, as it can be done at the last minute. However, as is written on your parent permission form, I as the teacher must always have your password. This means I get access to your blog, and can help you keep control of what you post.

Third term: Blog title. This will be your FIRST NAME ONLY followed by IST Opicina. For example:

" MR IST Opicina "

I do not want your last name to appear on the blog- that is forbidden, (as I wrote in the parent permission form) and as your parents agreed when they signed to permit you to do this. This is a safety feature to protect what we will do online, and to protect you.

Fourth term: Blog address. This is the TOUGH one to do. It can take multiple tries to get a title that works. I am making this easy for you in this blog. The format we will use is the following one: IST + gr8 + first name + first intial of your last name

For example: " ISTgr8mrp "

This would be my blog address if I were doing this exercise.

You need to follow al the instructions and have them written in your notebook. I will check your work when you are done.


Blogger istgrade8blog said...

It worked! The blog did not show up right away Friday night, nor Saturday morning (GMT+1) but after sending a help email to it worked. Now on to step two...creating the student blogs.

Sat Sep 16, 10:48:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great!

Wed Sep 20, 02:33:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mr.istgrade8blog, thanks for explaining how to make a blog on the internet. I tried to do one myself, but as you even said i had to keep guessing loads of names for blogs but they were all taken.
And YEEY im the first person to comment on your blog!!

Wed Sep 20, 02:36:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ops, we were the person ubove but we didnt realise that we werent the first people to sign your blog, we were the second.
So YEEY were the second people to sign your blog!

Wed Sep 20, 02:38:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Pietro M said...

I, Pietro, made bot my synopsis of the sixth book and my Romeo and Juliet. best regards

Fri Dec 15, 03:32:00 PM GMT+1  

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