Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wednesday, Dec. 13th Lesson Plan:
FIRST, there are several things to catch up on as a class:
1. There are 4 students who still do not have their Romeo and Juliet FC (final copy) posted on their blog: Michele, Micaela, Sophia T. and Magenta. This must be done and ready to be checked by me Thursday the 14th.
2. Only 5 people had the Novel 6 Rough Draft done on paper on Monday: Alessandra, Manfredi, Francesca, Matteo and Magenta. The other 14 students MUST have this to show me on Thursday the 14th (tomorrow) when we have class in B2.
3. There are 8 students who still have to leave a comment on my Dec. 4th blog entry: Stefania, Claudia, Michele, Patrizio, Giulio, Pietro, Elena, France. (I deleted 2 comments this morning, as they had errors in them!). This must be done TODAY in class. I will check this tonight.
4. Magenta- see me tomorrow about the Spanish Blog you have. Remind me to talk about the rules for linking blogs (and writing other blogs) in class in B2 tomorrow.

Today you are going to practice the posting of a comment on 4 other student sites. Link in from Mr. P's site, which is on the desktop of all the computers in the lab. You are to go in ALPHABETICAL order, and leave a 20-30 word posted comment on the next four student's entries for their "Romeo and Juliet" character analysis. You are to go to the four student's sites, READ carefully their commentary, and leave your comment. The comment must be an academic comment- you must state the good things done in the blog entry that you just read, and you must proofread your comment carefully.
You will be graded by the student owner of the blog where you left your comment for grammar, spelling and completeness- and to see if you followed the directions (20-30 total words).

For example, Sofia A. will post a comment on the sites of Stefania A., Alessandra B., Claudia C., and Michele C. The four students (Stefi, Ale, Claudia and Mike) will check Sofia A.'s comment for:
-Grammar- complete sentences, capitalization, etc.
-"rules" (20-30 words)
-only "positive" AND academic comment content

I expect to find all the above work done when I log into my site this evening at home, and read your blogs from the links on my site.

Have a good lesson, and see you Thursday.

PS: Oh yeah, I almost forgot...if you do not get the work above done... you will get a progress (actually, LACK of "progress") report Friday. Not a threat...a promise!