Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday, January 11th, 2007:
Work due by Friday, February 2nd

The 6 items below must be done and published on your blog by the time we start class on Friday, February 2nd. That day is the last day of the second quarter. The 6 items are as follows:
1. novel 7 synopsis
2. novel 8 synopsis
3. Social studies entry*
4. Science entry*
5. Italian entry*
6. Shakespeare role (arts block) entry
* = Same rules as for the English entry on two characters from "Romeo and Juliet" done before the holiday break.

- all 6 items above need a RC written by hand. All RC's must be shown to me on the 2nd together.
-all 6 need to have a PERFECT FC (final copy) when you publish. This means:
-grammar (sentences make sense)
-spelling is checked by computer and by "eye" (watch out for homynyms!)
-you follow the rules (title, word count, etc.)
-you must be able to prove that you made comments on others blog entries, following our already established procedures. You are responsible also for making sure that the right four people leave comments on each one of your entries.

Every day when we are in the lab you are to work on the 6 items above, for the rest of this quarter.

Next (3rd) Quarter:
If we are all ready on February 2nd to do more advanced work, we will add in two other technology/online aspects to our Language Arts Course:
1. We will create a special island on the website "SECOND LIFE" and each student will create an "avatar" to represent themselves. I still need to research this a bit more.
2. We will do a WIKI project with Masterman school in Philadelphia. This will involve teaching each other about our school, our city, and ourselves...

I still need to email them to them to find out if we can do this, but the idea is to communicate with each other before the exchange in May/June. My goal is to have each of you show off your Blog, your "avatar" and your collaborative WIKI.